Does anyone else remember those pull up commercials? I've been thinking a lot about growing up lately and that song keeps getting stuck in my head...
Ever since I can remember, life has always been about the next privilege or experience I'd get just for getting older. I couldn't wait to be a "big kid" or "grow up" so I could do everything I wanted to do! It seems like most defining moments in our lives come about through a progression of time and thus, age. For example, turning 6 meant going to first grade, 8 meant getting baptized, 12 meant getting to sit in the front seat of the car and going to young women, 14 meant starting high school the next year, 16 meant getting to date.
For as long as I could remember, age 18 meant going to college. But somehow, I bypassed that rule and, by graduating from high school a year early, I started college at 17. I believe this was a turning point in my life. Since then, I seem to have avoided all the normal age rules and I really believe it has drastically changed the course of my life.
After being at BYU for two short years, I found myself engaged to a wonderful man! I always figured I'd get married around 21 or go on a mission and then get married at 23 or so. But somehow, that plan never really worked out. (And thank goodness!)
Not only did I get married at 19, but now, at 20, I'm wrapping up my undergraduate career. Somehow I managed to choose a very short major (after switching a couple of times) and the plan was to graduate a semester early. However, after getting married, and realizing how expensive it is, I thought I'd try for an entire year early. So I somehow managed 18 credits this past semester and after 3 internship credits in the spring, and 9 more credits in the summer, I will officially be done with my bachelors degree.
As nice and exciting as it sounds to be done with school, I find myself increasingly worried about what happens after graduation. For the first time in my life, I'm not sure I want to grow up.
Be that as it may, I am excited (terrified) of getting a big kid job. Yep, thats right, I'm in the process applying for my first real job. Its not what I originally had in mind, but it has all the benefits plus a fairly good entry level wage. And honestly, I think I have a pretty good chance of getting it. If I do, it will most likely mean moving closer to Salt Lake and not as much time at home as I was hoping. Oh well, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I guess we'll just see where life takes us.
And next week, its taking us to Peru!
For those of you who don't know, Scott and I will be interning for the Church in Peru for six weeks this spring and we're very excited! It'll be great to finally be able to introduce Scott to my home (South America)! :]
Baby #5
3 years ago