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This is a picture of Nolan from last weekend, so he is a little older than 6 months, but it was so cute I had to include it! :) |
I can't believe little Nolan is already six months old! Well - he's not so little anymore! I waited to post this until he had his 6th month check up. We keep getting farther and farther behind. He had his check up today and he's six and half months already. His stats this month were:
Height: 27 in (75th %)
Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz (75th %)
Head Circumference: 18.5 in (95th %)
Needless to say, he is getting so big! He even fits into some of his 12 and 18 month clothes. While I love having the chubbiest baby around, my back is ready for him to slim down a little! :) His cousin Carter who is 8.5 months came out to visit and we realized Nolan is now heavier than he is! But I think Carter is still a little bit taller. We'll have to see how they compare when we see them again in December!
This month, Nolan has continued to roll more and more, but he prefers to stay on his tummy and scoot around. I'm not sure that he means to go places, but he definitely gets all around the room during tummy time. He can get up onto his hands and knees and he rocks back and forth before lunging or collapsing onto his belly. Poor little guy gets so frustrated! He usually ends up going backwards and getting farther from whatever he is trying to get! :(
Nolan is becoming a little chatter box. Especially in the evenings when Scott and I are talking during dinner or just hanging out, he chats a long with us. He is super smiley and has started laughing more and more. He will now laugh at things we do instead of just when we do things to him. He loves it when we put him on our shoulders and walk around. He laughs and laughs as he bounces around (and hangs on to our hair). I'll definitely have to get a video of that soon! He is also super ticklish.
Nolan is getting better at playing on his own for longer. But he is starting to get into things he shouldn't. He loves cords of any kind and he will eat any paper/tissue left on the ground or the couch. I also loves anything that crinkles - especially plastic bags and wrappers. He has also decided that he loves his little bath toys so I let him play with those even when he isn't in the bath.
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I heard Nolan yelling for me and I came and found him like this! |
Another new thing for Nolan this month is that we started feeding him solids! I had originally decided to wait until he was six months old before feeding him any solids. But his appetite seemed insatiable! He would eat every 1.5-2 hours all day long and then get up a few times at night to eat. He was also super interested in anything and everything we were eating. It is also suggested that at about the time babies can sit on their own, they are also ready to begin eating. Nolan is now sitting like a champ! He will go for 10-15 minutes without falling over.
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This is before he was sitting for very long on his own... I put the boppy around him to catch his falls. |
Anyway, once he could go about 5 minutes or so I decided to try out a little food. It took him a couple feeding before he really caught on, but he loves eating now and doesn't like it if we are eating and he isn't he is eating first and second stage foods and his favorite so far was apple, blueberry, spinach. His least favorite are peas. He still ate them, but he would make a face after every bite! I think he might have had a reaction to mango so we won't be giving him that for a little while. His face got a little blochy after eating it.
Nolan's Great-Grandpa Butterfield also passed away this month. We were able to be there when it happened on 28 September. We then attended his funeral on Nolan's 6th month birthday, the 5th of October. It was nice to see Katie and Rory and Carter and many of my other relatives. I'll have to write more about the weekend in another post.
We love you little Nolan! You are the sweetest little guy. Even though you have been fussy the past month (we think you're teething), you are still a pretty happy baby (until about 6pm :)). I can't imagine my life without you and I am so glad I get to stay home and take care of you every day! We love you so much!