So, I have been awful at writing these posts lately! Moving while working part time and taking care of a baby/home is a lot of work! It doesn't leave me much time to blog or take pictures. Sadly, that means I don't have many pictures of this past month. I do have a few that I'll upload when I find the cord...but for now, I just want to get this post written before my baby is 11 months old!
At 10 months, Nolan is so much fun! This is seriously the best stage ever! I love how much he engages with us and loves to play.
Nolan loves to cruise around the room. He is SO fast! He has also started standing on his own. I noticed that he would let go of things while standing so that he could play with whatever toy was in his hands. I don't think he even realized he wasn't holding on! So I took him into the middle of the room and stood him up. When I let go, he started laughing. I think he thought it was so funny he was standing there on his own! Then he went ahead and took 3 or 4 steps before lunging for me. It was so fun to see his progress walking! He was doing GREAT before we starting packing up our whole house...
Nolan started doing this really cute thing where he would put both of his arms in the air when we said touchdown. He thought it was so funny!
Seriously the best part of this month has been the development of his sense of humor. He is a little ham and we love it so much!
Nolan loves to follow around and play with other kids. He has also decided he NEEDS to be eating whatever I'm eating.
He loves to play with any technology including my laptop, cell phones, iPods, digital clocks, the TV, you name it and he loves it!
Before we moved, Nolan had also gotten into a pretty great napping schedule. He would get up between 7:30 and 8, go down for a nap about 10 or 10:30 sleep for 1-2 hrs and then be up till his next nap that started between 2-3 depending on how long his first nap was. His afternoon nap was usually 1-2 hours as well. He goes to bed between 7-8 and was waking up about 2-3 times a night which is a great improvement!
He is also a champion eater! 3 meals of baby food a day along with snacks and nursing on demand.
We love this little guy so much! I can't believe how much fun he is these days!
Baby #5
3 years ago