Friday, February 22, 2013

february resolution & review: create a healthy home PART I

Since February is almost over, this post is both the description of my resolution AND the review. I promise I've been working on it all month though! :) new years resolution was to be more healthy in all aspects of my life. I found out at the end of January that we would be moving in February. So, I wanted to find a resolution that I felt like I would really be able to keep this month. I decided to focus on creating a healthier home. By this, I really meant I wanted to focus on de-junking. I know I have a tendency to hang on to things for sentimental reasons. I have a hard time getting rid of things from my childhood that I really don't need and I won't ever use again. BUT, they hold so many great memories that I just can't seem to part with them. So I've ended up with several boxes full of things like this and I have nothing to do with them and no where to put them.

In Provo, we lived in a three bedroom townhouse with plenty of extra storage space. But, we planned on getting a two bedroom in Phoenix to save on rent. So, I planned to force myself to part with some things so that we could have less storage. I spent a couple weeks before we moved going through all of our things and boxes of storage. We got rid of probably 6-7 boxes of things. Honestly it felt great!

Now, as I'm unpacking everything in Phoenix, I am getting rid of even more things! I've still ended up finding things I just can't bear to part with yet. But hopefully next time I go through things I'll be able to cut the ties! :) I really want to try to be more of a minimalist in my life, but I feel like I'm going to have to take baby steps to get there.

Hurray for less things to store! :)

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