Monday, June 25, 2012

an update since my last post...

I can't believe its been over a year since I've blogged! It definitely doesn't seem like that long, but 2011 was definitely a crazy year for me. So, before I get into the past few months, I thought I'd take a minute to review what has happened since my last post!

In April, I was super blessed to get to go on a trip to Greece/Turkey with my family! Unfortunately Scott was still in school and wasn't able to come. Rory had just started a new job and couldn't take the time off either. So it ended up just being my immediate family! We all met up in Athens (I came from Utah, Katie from Indiana, and the rest of the family from Moscow, Russia) and spent a few days there looking at the ruins, shopping, etc. Then we left on a week long cruise to several of the Greek Islands, and a stop in Turkey. The Greek Islands are some of the most beautiful and scenic islands I've ever seen! I would love to live there some day!

In May, I was finally hired on as a full time, benefited employee at my job for the Church. It was a great reward after having spent a year working there as an intern/temp employee.

In June, my family moved back to Utah from Russia, Scott and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary and 3 years of since our first date. I also found out I was pregnant (due March 29th)! :)

In August, my morning sickness kicked in just in time for us to take a trip to Carson City, Nevada to visit Scott's brother Jeff, his wife Islena, and my three adorable nephews! Despite being sick, we enjoyed a weekend of site seeing and a trip to Lake Tahoe (so beautiful!).

In October we found out we were having A BOY! We were so excited - especially since Katie and Rory were having one too!

Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays! This past Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! One of the great things about getting married is you often get to celebrate holidays more than once! What could be better than two Thanksgivings and two Christmases?? My sister Katie and her husband Rory came out and spent the holiday with us. We also had a baby shower for her while she was here!

Scott graduated from BYU in December - he majored in Sociology and minored in Business Management. It is so nice for both of us to be done with school (at least for a couple of years!). We celebrated a great Christmas Eve and Morning with my family and Christmas Day with Scott's family.

January was a great month! Katie had her baby Carter on the 16th! I wish we could have been there to see him right after he was born! Look how cute he is!

 Carter Alpine Housley

In February, Scott and I celebrated Valentine's Day and my birthday - and I had two baby showers - one was thrown by my friend Polly from work and the other by my family!

We spent March waiting around for baby boy to show up...Unfortunately he didn't show up until April 5th!

He's here!! :)

Nolan Scott Keyes

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