Thursday, July 26, 2012

the second month

Nolan at two months:

Weight: 15lbs 5oz (above 95th percentile)
Height: 24in (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16in (95th percentile) 

- Started smiling all the time after his first smile (5 weeks)

- Was blessed at his Nana and Pap pap's house.

- Took a trip to mama's work to meet all her co-workers before she quit
- Took his first trip to St. George for his Great Grandpa Keyes' funeral
- Met his cousin Serenity (closest cousin to his age on the Keyes side)

- Went "swimming" for the first time (we just stuck his feet in)
- Sleeps best when swaddled in the woombee
- Developed eczema

- Moved up to size three diapers
- Holds his head up really well
- Loves to be held

- "Yells" most of the time instead of crying
- Sleeps anytime we put him in his carseat
- Gives kisses back by making a clicking sound with his tongue

Apparently I have a lot of pictures of him sleeping! :)

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