Wednesday, August 01, 2012

the third month

This month was pretty crazy for us! In May Scott started working for the American Red Cross as an Emergency Services Specialist/Caseworker for the Mountain Valley Chapter located in Provo. He does several different things, but his main responsibility is with emergency response. So the end of June/beginning of July were very busy for him with all of the fires going on in Utah. For two weeks, Scott worked long hours at work every day (including Saturday and Sunday) and would then come home and be on the phone all night long. This also meant all of the parenting/household duties were left to me - I felt like a widow! Needless to say, it was exhausting for both of us.

We "celebrated" our anniversary in the midst of all the fires. Scott was able to turn his phone off for a couple of hours and we left Nolan with my parents while we went out to eat. It wasn't much, but it was nice to have my husband to myself for a couple of hours during that time!

Although there was still one fire, Scott was able to take the 4th and 5th of July off. Katie and Rory and Carter were also in town so we spent a few days up at my parents house. We spent the 4th with my dad's family as per our tradition! We had a waffle, bacon, and egg breakfast; went to the Kaysville/Fruit Heights Parade (Nolan was not a fan of the fire trucks and ambulances!); had a BBQ at my Aunt Deanne's house; and went to some fireworks (my parents were kind enough to watch the babies so that Scott and I and Katie and Rory could go)!

On the 5th Nolan turned 3 months and officially grew out of his "newborn" stage. I can't believe he is getting so big so quickly! We also had family pictures with my family that day! I will have to post some of those when we get them! Unfortunately, we were taking them at about 7pm for optimal lighting - but it wasn't really optimal timing for the babies... it was definitely bed time so we did
As always, Nolan is growing so fast! Here is a little bit about him from his third month of life:

- Nolan is happiest at home in his element
- He smiles all the time, especially in the morning, but as soon as I take out the camera, they are all gone!
- He gets a little bit overwhelmed when there are too many people, sounds, or things going on - then he just kind of shuts down and become a little blob.
- Loves to stand up when we're holding him.
- Always tries to sit forward when we prop him up - and promptly falls over to the side because he can't hold himself up yet
- Still likes to be swaddled and rocked to sleep
- He has decided he doesn't like to be in his carseat, but he does like his stroller
- Nolan is now wearing 6-9 mo size clothes
- Loves listening to french nursery rhymes (his favorites are Frere Jacques and Allouette)
- He loves to look at paintings
- He has started swatting at his toys and can grab them once in a while, but not for long
- Learned how to pull out his binky, but can't get it back in - so frustrating for him! :)
AND! he rolled onto side at 11 weeks!

* PS... the photo upload isn't working for me right now, so I'll have to add the pictures later!

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