My baby is 11 months old! Crazy! Whats even crazier is that he is walking around like a full blown toddler. I'm definitely not ready to have a toddler! He is growing up too fast! I swear he is getting so long and lanky these days. I measured him today and he was about 29in long and 22lbs. He has thinned out quite a bit though. He is definitely losing his baby chub.
As I mentioned, Nolan is walking this month! He starts out walking wherever he plans to go. But when he falls, he just keeps crawling. I have yet to see him stand up without holding onto something, so maybe that is part of the problem. Oh, well. He'll get it soon enough! :)
Nolan loves his food, he will eat anything and everything. We always feed him part of what we're eating (with the exception of dairy because I think he is still pretty sensitive to it) and he LOVES it all! He loves flavorful food and will even eat things that are a little bit spicy. He has also somehow figured out which things are food and will hand me granola bars and things he's never eaten before and want me to open them. He also loves to get into the food pantry and will go pick out some baby food when I tell him to. :)
Nolan uses a sippy cup of water but can also drink from a straw and a cup with our help. He especially loves drinking out of water bottles and will beg for some water if he sees me drinking from one. :)
Nolan loves to communicate with his hands. He waves hi and bye, beckons when he wants something from us, and points at things he's looking at. It is actually really funny. He takes a little while to warm up to most people. I think he is trying to decide whether he likes them or not. But if they are smiling and waving and him, he just points at them. :) It is hilarious to Scott and me and luckily most people think its cute!
Nolan loves to take baths and play in the water.
He is tentative about grass (its been forever since we've seen any- we're definitely enjoying the weather here in Phoenix!).
He loves his mama and will only cuddle with me (sometimes, and for only about 30 seconds, but I'll take what I can get!). When he does, I'll usually say "aw, how sweet Nolan!" so now, he'll come over to me and lay his head on me and say awwww, awwww"). Its the cutest thing! :)
And, he is getting really great with his schedule. He always knows when its time to eat and he knows that after his second nap, Dad comes home! He usually goes and bangs on the front door calling for his dada!
One of the best things about this stage is that he can understand so much of what I tell him and he is starting to communicate back to me. The other day I ask him if he needed his diaper changed and he went right into his room and over to his changing table. He also imitates my "all done?" at meal time with an "ah-duh" if he's through! I'm so excited for when he really starts talking and letting me know whats going on inside his head!
I love this little guy so much and I can't imagine my life without him!
Baby #5
3 years ago