Saturday, March 09, 2013

march resolution: spriritual health

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, but I've been pretty busy during Nolan's nap times right now and its hard to get anything done on the computer while he's awake. :)

Our new ward (congregation) here in Phoenix has set goals for each month of the year. I decided to take the challenge and devote this month to my spirituality. Of course, I hope to maintain these goals in the future as well.

This month, I'm specifically working on creating daily habits. I plan to read my scriptures and pray every single day (and I haven't missed one yet!). I also want to work on getting better at seeking inspiration and following the promptings I receive. It is also my goal to get to the temple this month. Hopefully we can find a baby sitter... or we might just have to take turns so that Scott and I can both have a chance! :)

I guess the ward really wanted to help me with my goal, because they have already given us an assignment to speak in Sacrament Meeting. I have devoted some of my study time this past week to preparing my talk. My topic is teaching the youth righteous habits. Let me know if you have any great ideas I can incorporate! :)

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